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Alexander the Great

Individual research 

Alexander the Great (20/12 July 356BC-10/11 June323 BC)

Alexander the Great is one of the most successful mailitary leader in history, never be defeated in his whole life.
When he was 25 years old, he conquered Persian Empire,when he was 30 years old he built one of the biggest Empire in history. Alexander the great’s father Philip assassinated by someone,then he inherit throne,then became a king of Macedon and Persian empire.
Then he conquered a lot of ladscape and  nation, in this progess he  married who comes from Barbarian,but they marriage thwarted by elders, because elders thought this will let empire lose dignity.
Alexander the Great has interested about science,medical science and philosophy,and he is good at music and equestrianism.
Unluckily, his soilders started hate war, they always fighted a battle and far away from homeland,and then he got injury in a war, then he decided come back home.
His contributions:
Mixed western and eastern culture toghter. 
Encouraged different nation intermarry.
Initiated egalitarian in different nation.
Created Greek times culture.

But he die young, die at the age of 33 years old.The reason of he dead has some disputes, some one said he had fever, some one said he has illnesses,some one said his soilders used poison killed him, because they hate everyday has war and far away from homeland.


Alexander the Great

Alexander the Great


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